Irreplaceable Discipleship Journal
Who is Jesus?
It’s easy to say we follow Jesus, but do we really know who we’re following? How can your students be more like Christ if they don’t even know who Christ is?
Thankfully, Jesus makes it clear who he is through several “I Am” statements in the book of John: I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, I am the Bread of Life, I am the Good Shepherd, and I am the Light of the World.
Knowing who Jesus is and believing in him is the only way to God changes our lives. It can be easy to substitute our own logic or the world’s pleasures for the true life Jesus offers. But as your students dive into Jesus’ “I Am” statements, they will discover that what Jesus offers is much better: himself. Jesus is irreplaceable!
Accept no substitutes for Jesus, the only one who can offer true salvation, full satisfaction, and abundant life.
Irreplaceable contains 4 weeks of:
- Bible Studies
- Challenges
- Thought-Provoking Experiences
- Hard Questions
- Marks of a Disciple
Week One: He’s Got the Answers
Week Two: He’s Got What You Need
Week Three: He’s Got Your Back
Week Four: He’s Got a Mission