youth ministry lessons on the go homecoming


This product has been discontinued. This page is for reference only.

Four lessons about finding your way home

Homecoming is a four-lesson series that gives students a clear understanding that our true home is in relationship with God as a member of his Kingdom. When we are caught up with what our world and culture prioritizes we can be tempted to think of the world as our home. This series will show students how God welcomes his children home, how to be at home in a contradictory world, how to think about heaven, and how to leave behind our worldly homes to follow God. 

​Lessons on the Go are easy-to-use youth ministry lessons that are Bible-based and single-focused. They’re designed to help everyone from volunteer leaders to experienced full-time youth workers quickly facilitate great discussions with clear takeaways and real-life application steps. 


  1. Prodigal: No matter where we’ve been, God is calling us to our true
    home—a relationship with him. (Luke 15:11-32)
  2. Hope For Now: Hope for our future home with God helps us live boldly in
    our present world. (2 Corinthians 4:16-5:2)
  3. Where’s Home?: Heaven is about more than halos—it’s where God makes all
    things right and lives with us forever. (Revelation 21:1-6)
  4. Legacy Of Faith: Abraham shows us how to leave behind our earthly homes
    and faithfully pursue God. (Hebrews 11:8-16)


  • One handout for both leaders and students keeps it simple. Just print and go! For more flexibility, give the back page for students and keep the front page as a leader-only resource that you can customize.
  • How To Use This Resource page you can give to volunteers and small group leaders with tips and clear takeaways.
  • Promo graphic for the series.



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