
Renew Student Discipleship Journal

A 4-Week Student Discipleship Journal
Challenge students to love the Lord with their heart, soul, mind, and strength

Renew: Student Discipleship Journal is a 4-Week Student Discipleship Journal designed to challenge students to love the Lord with their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Our students’ lives get complicated and messy. It’s easy for them to lose focus and make the unimportant things seem super important. And in these moments we would give anything to help them get back to that newness they had when they first started to follow Christ.

To renew means to turn something that has grown old into something brand new. We want to show our students that just as Jesus healed people who were sick and made them well, he can take our whole lives -our heart, mind, strength, and soul, and make them new again.

Renew: Student Discipleship Journal contains 4 weeks of:

  • Bible studies
  • Challenges
  • Thought Provoking Experiences
  • Hard Questions
  • Marks of a Disciple

Week One: Heart
Week Two: Soul
Week Three: Mind
Week Four: Strength


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Renew Student Discipleship Journal


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