youth ministry leaders are dependable download

Leaders are Dependable

Student Leadership Training

Overall Topic: Helping students grow into dependable leaders.
Distinctive Element: Leaders are Dependable is a downloadable, ready-to-use, lesson on a specific leadership principle. Download includes a facilitator’s guide (Word and PDF) complete with instructions, time frames, extra notes, and activities as well as a reproducible student handout (Word and PDF).

Dependability is one of the core character traits that we are called to as Christ-followers. Developing good stewardship of our God-given time and talents is a key element to growing into a dependable leader.

In this lesson, students will:

  • Study how Paul’s exhortation to be good stewards in 1 Corinthians relates to dependable leadership.
  • Look at how rock-climbers depend on their gear to begin a discussion about who may be depending on us.
  • Identify the characteristics that make someone dependable through an imaginative scenario.

Everything you need is included:

  • Downloadable Facilitator Guide (Word and PDF)
  • Downloadable Student Handout (Word and PDF)
  • Biblical examples
  • Debrief and discussion questions
  • Experiential activity
  • Practical Life Application


Leaders are Dependable
