Outcast Student Discipleship Journal
We see outcasts everyday–people who fit under a different stereotype, don’t look like us, like what we like, or believe the same things. It’s easy to walk away from the outcast, leaving them forever in that category, but Jesus never did. Instead, he walked into the difficulty of their lives to bring them the ultimate insider experience–belonging in his family.
At a quick stop at a well on a hot day, Jesus shows us how it’s done. And now we are called to go to the outcasts and bring them in. After all, we’ve all been outcasts at some point.
Outcast contains 4 weeks of:
- Bible studies
- Challenges
- Thought Provoking Experiences
- Hard Questions
- Marks of a Disciple
Week One: On The Outside
Week Two: Invite Them In
Week Three: In Our Shoes
Week Four: The Great Invitation