Junior High Curriculum Bundle
This Bundle from HERD Junior High Curriculum includes:
- Gear Up One-Year Junior High Curriculum ($249 Value)
- Stampede One-Year Junior High Curriculum ($249 Value)
Junior high students are a unique brand of human, so they need a unique brand of curriculum to match. That’s why Herd Junior High exists!
What’s Included in Each Year?
- 48 Lessons (divided into monthly, 4-lesson series) (PDF and Word)
- Student Service Opportunity Ideas
- Parent Guides (with conversation starters)
- Media and Graphics
- Video Training
- Memory Verses (ready to share on social media)
Why Gear Up?
Navigating junior high can be a difficult time, especially for students trying to follow Jesus. Gear Up is a year-long curriculum (48 lessons) that looks at common struggles of junior high students and addresses how to view those things through a biblical lens. By studying various themes and books of the Bible, students will see that their faith impacts the way they live, even now in junior high. Gear Up is designed to help students build a foundation of faith, equipping them to follow Jesus. Help students learn what it means to pursue Jesus and commit to a life with him.
Click here to see more of what’s included in Gear Up.
Why Stampede?
Have you ever noticed that junior highers tend to run in packs? They spend time in groups and start to talk and act like the people they hang out with. This pack mentality bleeds into their spiritual lives. Stampede is a year-long curriculum (48 lessons) that asks the question: Are students just going with the flow (and away from Christ)? Or are they making their faith their own? By studying various themes and books of the Bible, Stampede is designed to help students move from blindly chasing what’s temporary to following Jesus with purpose. Help students develop a habit of running toward Jesus.
Click here to see more of what’s included in Stampede.
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