Palm Sunday Youth Lesson
We’ve compiled two Palm Sunday Youth Lessons to help your students learn about the true significance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Each Palm Sunday Youth Lesson can be used for small group discussion, a large group talk, or a Sunday School class.
In each download you’ll find:
- A Bible Study with Discussion Questions
- Suggestions for Application
- Media & Graphics
- and More!
FREE palm sunday youth LESSON #1:

Celebrate the King is a free Palm Sunday Lesson for Youth from the Pursuit Deep Discipleship Curriculum.
This lesson tells the story of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem before his death. By examining the way Jesus arrived, students will discover more about the kind of king Jesus is—peaceful, worthy, and caring—and they’ll get a glimpse of the upside-down nature of his Kingdom. Real-life examples of praiseworthy people will get students thinking about whether their values line up with Jesus’ values. And students will end by exploring how they can grow in celebrating Jesus as King.
- A Bible Study with Discussion Questions
- Real Life Examples
- Suggestions for Application
- Memory Verse Graphic and Powerpoint or ProPresenter Slides
a look inside this palm sunday youth lesson
The musical Hamilton, based on actual historical events, tells us a little bit about the personality of George Washington, the first U.S. President. We know that he was a wise and powerful leader. He led his men into battle bravely and had many military successes. But after he served two terms as President, Washington knew that it was time to return home to his farm, to sit under “his own vine and fig tree”—a biblical metaphor for living in peace (Micah 4:4). The early Americans wanted him to continue to serve. They even wanted to crown him king! He knew that if he gave up power and stepped down, it would set a precedent for other Presidents in the future, giving America‘s newly-formed democratic government a chance to flourish.
1. How was the early Americans’ desire to crown Washington king similar to the people’s reaction to Jesus during the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday?
2. How did Washington exhibit sacrificial care and leadership like Jesus?
3. Think about your own life. How might God be calling you to sacrifice in order to better show his love and care?
FREE palm sunday youth LESSON #2:

King is a free Palm Sunday lesson for youth for junior highers from the HERD Junior High Curriculum Stampede.
Jesus was not just another great teacher, but the very Son of God who came to earth with the specific purpose of sacrificing himself to save everyone. This lesson looks at the key events leading up to the Resurrection and what we can learn about Jesus through his triumphal entry on Palm Sunday.
This is a great Palm Sunday Sunday School Lesson, especially if you lead a group of junior highers.
- A Bible Study with Discussion Questions
- An Opening Ice Breaker Question
- Suggestions for Application
- An At-Home Prayer Activity for Students
- Memory Verse Graphic and Powerpoint or ProPresenter Slides
a look inside the at-home prayer activity for this palm sunday lesson
Prayer doesn’t always come easily. Sometimes we need help to know when to pray, how to pray, and what to pray about. This week use the Prayer Square Method as you worship Jesus the true King.

more easter lessons
Click the image below to find four more Easter Lessons for Youth to follow your Palm Sunday Youth lesson.

additional easter resources
About the Author
Doug Franklin
Doug Franklin is the president of LeaderTreks, an innovative leadership development organization focusing on students and youth workers. Doug and his wife, Angie, live in West Chicago, Illinois. They don’t have any kids, but they have 2 dogs that think they are children. Diesel and Penelope are Weimaraners who never leave their side. Doug grew up in… Read More