2021 Crazy Christmas Bundle
Get something for everyone on your list
Here’s what’s under the tree this year:
For High School
- Gritty Leadership: 4-Lesson Series ($34.95 Value)
- 4 Bible-based Lessons to help your students develop the grittiness they need to persevere as leaders for Jesus
- Includes Digital Guides for Students, Volunteers, and Parents
- Features Experiential Learning Activities and Media/Graphics
- Wholehearted: 4-Lesson Series ($34.95 Value)
- 4 Bible-based Lessons to encourage your students to go all-in as they walk with Jesus
- Includes Digital Guides for Students, Volunteers, and Parents
- Features Experiential Learning Activities and Media/Graphics
- 3 Downloadable Discipleship Activities ($45 Value)
- Bible Study Methods ($15 Value)
- Tool to introduce students to 5 unique Bible Study Methods
- Unique Abilities Inventory ($15 Value)
- Tool to help students discover how God has uniquely wired them
- Helping Students Pray ($15.00 Value)
- Tool to teach students 3 creative ways to pray
- Bible Study Methods ($15 Value)
For Junior High
- Savior Solution: 4-Lesson Series ($20.00 Value)
- 4 Bible-based Lessons to help your students learn how Jesus is the solution to our sin problem
- Includes a 1-page guide for students and volunteers
- Features a Parent Guide
- Inner Armor Junior High Retreat Curriculum ($40.00 Value)
- 3 Session Retreat to help students realize the potential that God sees in them
- Includes Icebreaker questions, Bible Studies, and prompts for life application
- Features Team Building Games
- Identity Sermon Series ($15.00 Value)
- 4 Sermons designed to help students discover their spiritual giftedness and who they are in Christ
- Includes discussion questions and points for application
For Parents
- Discipleship at Home ($34.95 Value)
- 8-Lesson Discipleship Curriculum designed to equip parents to disciple their children at home
- Features a Video, Bible Study, and Discussion Questions with every lesson
- Includes Prayer Prompts for the family
- Helping Families Connect ($10.00 Value)
- 3 At-Home Activities and Conversation Starters for Parents and Students
- NEW! Practical Ways to Partner with Parents ($10.00 Value)
- A Guide to 3 creative ways to connect with and equip parents
For Youth Workers
- 5 Secrets of a Successful Youth Worker ($20.00 Value)
- Video training designed to help you discover ways to leave a lasting impact in your ministry
- NEW! How to Write Great Questions ($10.00 Value)
- Guide to help you brainstorm better discussion questions for small group
- NEW! How to Build Your Volunteer Team ($10.00 Value)
- Guide to help you grow and develop your adult volunteer team
For Volunteers
- Building Relationships ($40.00 Value)
- 3-Session Video Training to equip your volunteers to build deeper relationships with students
- Includes discussion guides
- UPDATED! Growing Small Group Leaders ($59.00 Value)
- One-year of resources for small group coaches
- Includes a Coaching Style Assessment
- NEW! Checklist for a Successful Small Group ($10.00 Value)
- Tool to help your small group leaders prepare for impact
- NEW! 5 Tips for Leading Small Group Discussions ($10.00 Value)
- Tool to equip small group leaders to get the most out of their small group time
For Student Leaders
- Foundations of Leadership Retreat ($49.00 Value)
- 4-Session DIY Retreat Curriculum designed to give students a healthy start in leadership
- Includes Leadership Assessments and Team Building Games
- Student Leadership Lessons ($20.00 Value)
- Communication that Connects ($5.00 Value)
- Leaders Are Role Models ($5.00 Value)
- Leaders Ask for Help ($5.00 Value)
- Leaders Initiate ($5.00 Value)
For Mission Trips
- Mission Trip Planning Guide ($15.00 Value)
- Guide to ensure that you don’t miss a detail as you plan the logistics of your mission trip
- Social Distance Fundraisers ($15.00 Value)
- 6 fundraisers that will allow you to accomplish your fundraising goals, even in the midst of a pandemic
- 5 Team Building Activities ($25.00 Value)
- 5 activities to help you build team unity among your students as well as their leadership skills
- Passport Pre-Trip Training Curriculum ($20.00 Value)
- 4-Session training designed to help your students understand God’s heart for missions and their role in His plan
- Mission Life Post-Trip Training Curriculum ($20.00 Value)
- 4-Session training designed to invite students to debrief their mission trip experience and apply what they learned to life back at home